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To transform lives by equipping young people in rural areas with digital skills, closing the opportunity gap, and driving socio-economic growth through technology.

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AI and ML: Victory College Ikare

AI and ML: Victory College Ikare

13 Jan 2025
The most asked question and most said statement while we were at Victory College, Ikare, was: "Do you understand? Let me know if you want me to go over it again!" Our mission was to introduce the students to the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) using PictoBlox. We worked with 50 students, a diverse mix of male and female, both creative and technical, quiet and hyperactive — dividing them into ten teams to ensure hands-on learning and collaboration. We started from the very basics: defining AI and its real-world applications and understanding the importance of AI in today's world. Introducing Machine Learning, its types (supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning), and its applications. With this solid foundation, the students were ready to embark on their own AI-powered projects. Each team took on a unique project that tackled real-world problems in their school or community: Team 1 - Alpha: Detecting Bad Fruits Using AI. Team 2 - Bravo: Interactive Classroom Information Display Using Finger Gestures. Team 3 - Delta: Interactive Classroom Items Learning Using Object Detection. Team 4 - Echo: AI Chatbot for Mental Health Advice & Support. Team 5 - Foxtrot: Interactive School History Chatbot. Team 6 - Golf: Interactive Town Information Chatbot. Team 7 - Kilo: Smart Attendance System with Face Recognition. Team 8 - Oscar: Determining Weather Conditions Using AI. Team 9 - Sierra: Detecting Plant Health Using AI. Team 10 - Quebec: Sorting Recyclable Materials Using AI. Beyond just learning AI concepts, our goal was to empower these students to think outside the box—analyzing everyday challenges and solving them in innovative, analytical, and creative ways. And we did exactly that. The excitement, curiosity, and enthusiasm from the students confirmed one thing: The future of AI in Nigeria is bright, and we will start with young minds like these.
To That Child In Africa: S01 E05a

To That Child In Africa: S01 E05a

31 Jul 2024
Chère Amie / Cher Ami, Je m'appelle Mame Ndiaye SENE, je viens du Sénégal plus précisément de Dakar, en Afrique de l’Ouest. Je suis âgée de 32 ans. Je voulais prendre un moment pour t'écrire cette lettre. Même si nous ne nous connaissons pas, je tiens à te dire que je pense à toi et que tu es important. Je sais que la vie peut être difficile et que parfois, il peut sembler que les obstacles sont trop grands à surmonter. Mais sache que tu as en toi une force incroyable, une résilience qui te permettra de surmonter les défis. Chaque jour est une nouvelle opportunité d'apprendre, de grandir et de rêver. L'éducation est une clé importante pour ouvrir de nombreuses portes dans la vie. Si tu as la chance d'aller à l'école, je t'encourage à étudier avec détermination. Apprends tout ce que tu peux, non seulement pour obtenir de bonnes notes, mais surtout pour acquérir des connaissances qui te permettront de réaliser tes rêves. Même si l'école peut sembler difficile, chaque leçon apprise te rapproche un peu plus de ton avenir. N'oublie jamais que tu n'es pas seul. Il y a des gens partout dans le monde qui se soucient de toi et qui croient en ton potentiel. Tu as des talents uniques et des rêves précieux. Continue à travailler dur, à être gentil avec les autres, et surtout, à croire en toi-même. Peu importe les difficultés que tu peux rencontrer, garde toujours espoir. L'espoir est une lumière qui peut illuminer même les jours les plus sombres. Crois en toi, suis tes rêves et souviens-toi que tu as la capacité de faire de grandes choses. Je te souhaite tout le meilleur dans tout ce que tu entreprends. Que ta vie soit remplie de bonheur, de réussite et d'amour. Avec toute mon amitié, Mame Ndiaye SENE
To That Child In Africa: S01 E05b

To That Child In Africa: S01 E05b

31 Jul 2024
Dear Friend, My name is Mame Ndiaye SENE, I come from Senegal, more precisely from Dakar, in West Africa. I am 32 years old. I wanted to take a moment to write you this letter. Even if we don't know each other, I want to tell you that I think of you and that you are important. I know that life can be difficult and sometimes it can seem like the obstacles are too big to overcome. But know that you have incredible strength within you, a resilience that will allow you to overcome challenges. Every day is a new opportunity to learn, grow and dream. Education is an important key to opening many doors in life. If you have the chance to go to school, I encourage you to study with determination. Learn everything you can, not only to get good grades but above all to acquire knowledge that will allow you to achieve your dreams. Even though school may seem difficult, each lesson learned brings you one step closer to your future. Never forget that you are not alone. There are people all over the world who care about you and believe in your potential. You have unique talents and precious dreams. Continue to work hard, be kind to others, and most importantly, believe in yourself. No matter what difficulties you may encounter, always have hope. Hope is a light that can illuminate even the darkest days. Believe in yourself, follow your dreams and remember that you have the ability to do great things. I wish you all the best in everything you do. May your life be filled with happiness, success and love. With all my friendship, Mame Ndiaye SENE
To That Child In Africa: S01 E03

To That Child In Africa: S01 E03

25 Jul 2024
Dear African Child, You are the future because the world population is declining, but Africa has the largest and youngest population in the world. Africa has you! You will be leading Africa soon, and you will also make up a large part of the skilled labour force on the continent. You will be her voice, her strength, and her heart. Africa is still the least developed continent, and you will play a key role in her transformation, so you must arise and fulfil your potential. Dear African child, you have to push boundaries. Have an affinity for knowledge and seek out opportunities. Let the stories of others inspire you, then forge your path. Do not be defined by wealth or poverty. Rise above cultural and religious biases and limitations, as well as those that exist in your mind. Invest time in developing practical skills that align with your interests and career aspirations. Look for mentors in your community who can guide you in areas like technology, entrepreneurship, or sustainable development. You must ask yourself: What change do I want to see in Africa, and what role can I play in creating this change? You are not too small to create change, dear child. Explore local leadership programmes, start a community project that addresses a pressing issue in your area, or identify an existing initiative where you can contribute your skills and make a positive impact. You are an integral part of Africa; create the future you want to see.


19 Jun 2017
The visit to L.A Primary schools was an interesting one. Working with the schools and students in this area was a very exciting experience for us as an organization. Almost all the kids in this area have not worked with a computer before hence the kids were very excited and the schools were very receptive. Using the SeedDEV Learning application the kids were introduced to elementary computer programming and to basic computer appreciation. We would continually work with the school to help this kids learn and grow.
Teachers' Training Program: Ijero-Ekiti

Teachers' Training Program: Ijero-Ekiti

14 Aug 2023
SeedDev Empowers Secondary Teachers and School Principals/Directors with Digital Literacy Training. In Ekiti State — SeedDev, is thrilled to announce the successful completion of a comprehensive digital literacy teachers' training program for secondary school teachers and school principals/directors at the SeedBox in Ijero-Ekiti. The training covered essential topics including Basic Computer Skills, Internet and Web Browsing, Productivity and Collaboration Software, and Video Conferencing tools like Zoom and Google Meet. The digital literacy training program has had a profound impact on the participants, enhancing their ability to integrate technology into their educational practices and administrative duties. Some of the notable impacts and success stories include: 1. Enhanced Digital Competency: Participants have gained confidence and competence in utilizing digital tools and resources effectively. This has resulted in a smoother transition to online teaching, administrative tasks, and communication with students, parents, and fellow educators. 2. Improved Educational Quality: With a better grasp of productivity and collaboration software, teachers are creating more engaging and interactive learning materials, leading to an improved quality of education for their students. 3. Efficient School Administration: School principals and directors have reported increased efficiency in administrative tasks, including record-keeping, communication, and online meetings, which has streamlined school operations. 4. Increased Digital Inclusion: The training has contributed to closing the digital divide in education, making digital resources and tools more accessible to students and educators in the region. SeedDev remains committed to its mission of empowering educators and professionals in emerging communities with digital skills. Due to the resounding success of this program, we are excited to announce plans for another digital literacy training program in the near future. The upcoming program will build on the foundation laid during this training, offering more advanced topics and further enhancing the digital skills of educators and school administrators. We will also continue to collaborate with our partners to expand the reach and impact of our initiatives. SeedDev extends its sincere gratitude to our partner, Dzuels Foundation and all participants who made this training program a success. Together, we are working towards a more digitally inclusive and empowered Africa. For more information about SeedDev and its initiatives, please visit www.seeddev.group/
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The Pilot Project was in late 2015 where we trained 200 kids in Akure, Ondo State Nigeria in a local community school, fast forward to 2025, we have trained over 9600 young Africans including an annual summer camp for girls that has trained 1,200 girls in tech, coding and renewable energy. We are more determined now than ever to reach our next milestone of a million young Africans in the coming years.

Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve
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